Mothers’ Union

Mothers' Union logo with text 'Christian care for families'
Church banner with 'Mother's Union' text, depicting a religious figure with a child, beside a floral arrangement.

Mothers’ Union, founded in 1876, is a worldwide Christian organisation with over 4 million members. Its aim is to support marriage, families and family life through a wide range of practical projects within local communities and by helping to influence policy at national and international level. 

Our branch in Colwall has over 40 members. We meet once a month to share time together and enjoy speakers who talk on a wide range of topics.

Members play an active role in many parish activities, including church services and fundraising events such as the Lent Lunch and the annual, legendary, Marmalade Sale. Here we raise money for families in Herefordshire who are in need and for Mothers’ Union projects taking place abroad. 

The founder of Mothers’ Union, Mary Sumner, was brought up at Hope End near Colwall and in 1848 was married in St. James the Great Church. The Colwall branch offers visitors from other branches a talk about Mary and Mothers’ Union along with a delicious tea in the Ale House. This is another fundraising event!  

Visitors to our meetings are always welcome. Normally we meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 2.15pm in the Ale House or St. Crispin’s Chapel.

You don’t have to be a mother, married or even female to be a member!


For further information, please contact Susan Humphrey 01684 540870 or Phyl King 01684 541215  

For more information on Mothers’ Union please visit