Mothers' Union Colwall

Mothers' Union Colwall

It’s our “bring and share” lunch! Come and join us at the earlier time of 12pm. For information please contact Sue Humphrey on 01684 540870

The Mothers’ Union is open to all (male and female, mothers or not!) and in Colwall we are delighted to have a very active branch. We meet in the Ale House starting at 2.15pm. Refreshments provided.

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Mothers' Union Colwall
to 22 Aug

Mothers' Union Colwall

In August we’re visiting St James’s Church, West Malvern where we will be shown around the church and provided with refreshments. Timings TBC

The Mothers’ Union is open to all (male and female, mothers or not!) and in Colwall we are delighted to have a very active branch. We meet in the Ale House starting at 2.15pm. Refreshments provided.

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Admiral's Cafe

Admiral's Cafe

Admiral’s Café Colwall provides a café-style meeting place for those living with dementia (both those with a diagnosis and their carers). The café also welcomes those who are living alone either through bereavement or because their partner is in residential care.

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Admiral's Cafe

Admiral's Cafe

Admiral’s Café Colwall provides a café-style meeting place for those living with dementia (both those with a diagnosis and their carers). The café also welcomes those who are living alone either through bereavement or because their partner is in residential care.

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Mothers' Union Colwall

Mothers' Union Colwall

Our guest this month is Andy Lymer who will speak about the work of Christians Against Poverty.

14 million people in the UK are living in poverty. Poverty is so much more than going without. Poverty destroys lives. It robs people of joy, hope, and opportunities. It tears families apart, isolates those most in need of support, and leads many to believe there is no way out.

The Mothers’ Union is open to all (male and female, mothers or not!) and in Colwall we are delighted to have a very active branch. We meet in the Ale House starting at 2.15pm. Refreshments provided.

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Pet Blessing Service

Pet Blessing Service

Our Pet Blessing service is always popular!

The church opens up its doors to those of a furry, feathered or fluffy persuasion, for a short service of thanks and blessing for the animals in our lives – how they enhance our days, how they give so much and ask so little, and how they love unconditionally. Children are most welcome too!

The service is informal and each animal will receive a blessing. There will be plenty of time for mingling and refreshments are provided. 

Please consider whether your pet would be comfortable in a busy (and noisy!) environment before attending; we require all animals to be on a lead or in a carrier of some kind.

There will be a collection in aid of Blue Cross UK

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Admiral's Cafe

Admiral's Cafe

Admiral’s Café Colwall provides a café-style meeting place for those living with dementia (both those with a diagnosis and their carers). The café also welcomes those who are living alone either through bereavement or because their partner is in residential care.

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Mothers' Union Colwall

Mothers' Union Colwall

Our meeting in May is a Songs of Praise! If there are favourite hymns you like to sing then contact Sue Humphrey on 01684 540870 and put your requests in!

The Mothers’ Union is open to all (male and female, mothers or not!) and in Colwall we are delighted to have a very active branch. We meet in the Ale House starting at 2.15pm. Refreshments provided.

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Coffee and Chat

Coffee and Chat

Resuming the pre-Covid pattern, Melanie, Andrew, or both will take up residence on the sofas in café Morso every Wednesday afternoon for a couple of hours. Please do drop in to say hello, have a drink, or if you have any issues you want to discuss. Please also let neighbours and friends know that we will be available there each Wednesday as an alternative means of making contact with us.  We look forward to sharing a drink with you soon!   

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Coffee and Chat

Coffee and Chat

Resuming the pre-Covid pattern, Melanie, Andrew, or both will take up residence on the sofas in café Morso every Wednesday afternoon for a couple of hours. Please do drop in to say hello, have a drink, or if you have any issues you want to discuss. Please also let neighbours and friends know that we will be available there each Wednesday as an alternative means of making contact with us.  We look forward to sharing a drink with you soon!   

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Coffee and Chat

Coffee and Chat

Resuming the pre-Covid pattern, Melanie, Andrew, or both will take up residence on the sofas in café Morso every Wednesday afternoon for a couple of hours. Please do drop in to say hello, have a drink, or if you have any issues you want to discuss. Please also let neighbours and friends know that we will be available there each Wednesday as an alternative means of making contact with us.  We look forward to sharing a drink with you soon!   

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Revd Melanie's Installation

Revd Melanie's Installation

In consultation with the Chapter of Hereford Cathedral, Bishop Richard has appointed Melanie to the College of Canons.

The Revd Melanie Horton (Rector of Colwall with Upper Colwall and Coddington) as Prebendary de Inkbarrow to succeed Prebendary Nick Helm who retired in November 2023.

The College of Canons is an honorary group of clergy and lay members, appointed by the Bishop as a mark of their service and experience, signifying the inclusive reach of the Cathedral across the diocese.

The service takes place at Hereford Cathedral at 3.30pm. All are welcome to attend.

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Admiral's Cafe

Admiral's Cafe

Admiral’s Café Colwall provides a café-style meeting place for those living with dementia (both those with a diagnosis and their carers). The café also welcomes those who are living alone either through bereavement or because their partner is in residential care.

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Coffee and Chat

Coffee and Chat

Resuming the pre-Covid pattern, Melanie, Andrew, or both will take up residence on the sofas in café Morso every Wednesday afternoon for a couple of hours. Please do drop in to say hello, have a drink, or if you have any issues you want to discuss. Please also let neighbours and friends know that we will be available there each Wednesday as an alternative means of making contact with us.  We look forward to sharing a drink with you soon!   

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Pax Singers

Pax Singers

I wonder as I wander

Music to gladden the heart! We look forward to the return of Bosbury-based singing group for some lovely music followed by afternoon tea.

Tickets £10 including tea and cake. Available on the door or in advance from the church office.

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Retreat: Time in the Tomb and Beyond

Retreat: Time in the Tomb and Beyond

After the Easter celebrations of a few weeks ago we come together for a day of quiet reflection, considering Jesus’ time in the tomb, after his crucifixion and before his resurrection. What went on for him during this time? Does it have any relevance to our own lives?

Led by Gill Pennington, this retreat will give you the space to consider these questions.

Free to attend

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Coffee and Chat

Coffee and Chat

Resuming the pre-Covid pattern, Melanie, Andrew, or both will take up residence on the sofas in café Morso every Wednesday afternoon for a couple of hours. Please do drop in to say hello, have a drink, or if you have any issues you want to discuss. Please also let neighbours and friends know that we will be available there each Wednesday as an alternative means of making contact with us.  We look forward to sharing a drink with you soon!   

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Mothers' Union Colwall

Mothers' Union Colwall

Our guest this month is  Rev Joan Wakeling (Eastnor) who will share her views on the Christian response to the welfare of animals. This should be a fascinating topic given our role in God’s creation.

The Mothers’ Union is open to all (male and female, mothers or not!) and in Colwall we are delighted to have a very active branch. We meet in St Crispin’s Chapel starting at 2.15pm. Refreshments provided.

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Coffee in the Comfy Corner

Coffee in the Comfy Corner

Resuming the pre-Covid pattern, Melanie, Andrew, or both will take up residence on the sofas in café Morso every Wednesday afternoon for a couple of hours. Please do drop in to say hello, have a drink, or if you have any issues you want to discuss. Please also let neighbours and friends know that we will be available there each Wednesday as an alternative means of making contact with us.  We look forward to sharing a drink with you soon!   

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Marmalade Sale

Marmalade Sale

The Mothers’ Union annual marmalade sale raises money for their work in the UK and overseas. Marmalade will be for sale outside “Rickstones”, opposite John Goodwin Estate Agents, Walwyn Road from 8.30am until sold out. Aim to arrive early because we can’t guarantee there will be any left for sale later!

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Men's Breakfast

Men's Breakfast

Colwall Men’s Breakfast meet on the second Saturday of each month at the Yew Tree Inn. Join us for a cooked breakfast, hot drinks and conversation. We operate a “pay what you can afford” model so cost shouldn’t be a barrier to attending. We are unable to cater for specific dietary needs.

Topic: One conversation changes everything

Nick Kirkman-Wood will speak about how such encounters have influenced his life - being invited to join a company or take on a new project, most of the time unsolicited by me but these conversations changed my way of thinking and opened up avenues of work that few are able to access…

RSVP to Revd. Andrew (please indicate if you are vegetarian)

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