Marmalade Sale
Our advice: Aim to arrive early!
The Colwall Mothers’ Union Marmalade Sale is always popular and always sells out! Homemade marmalade is for sale outside the house “Rickstones” (opposite John Goodwin), Walwyn Road. 8.30am until stocks are gone!
Raising money for Away from it All

Churchyard Champions
Our Churchyard Champions meet on the first Saturday of each month from March to October. They carry out gardening, maintenance and eco activities to ensure the churchyard continues to be a pleasant place to visit, is functional as an open churchyard but continues its eco credentials. The team work throughout the winter planning, applying for funding and developing ideas for the future. You can read about the churchyard here.
Tools are provided but if you have your own, please do bring them. We meet at 10am. Quality refreshments are provided!

Men's Breakfast
Men’s Breakfast meets on the second Saturday of the month at The Yew Tree, Colwall Green.
It’s an opportunity for men to get together over a cooked breakfast and hear from a wide variety of guest speakers. Previous speakers have included an artisan leatherworker, former magistrate, retired police bodyguard and a youth project leader. The breakfast is relaxed and informal.
The cost to us if £8.50/head but we operate a pay-what-you-wish model so that it’s affordable for all.

Mothers' Union - Tales from Talbot House
Lynne Sparkes will talk about her experience of Talbot House in what will be a fascinating talk.
Ale House - 2.15pm - 3.30pm. Refreshments included.

Churchyard Champions
Our Churchyard Champions meet on the first Saturday of each month from March to October. They carry out gardening, maintenance and eco activities to ensure the churchyard continues to be a pleasant place to visit, is functional as an open churchyard but continues its eco credentials. The team work throughout the winter planning, applying for funding and developing ideas for the future. You can read about the churchyard here.
Tools are provided but if you have your own, please do bring them. We meet at 10am. Quality refreshments are provided!

Men's Breakfast
Men’s Breakfast meets on the second Saturday of the month at The Yew Tree, Colwall Green.
It’s an opportunity for men to get together over a cooked breakfast and hear from a wide variety of guest speakers. Previous speakers have included an artisan leatherworker, former magistrate, retired police bodyguard and a youth project leader. The breakfast is relaxed and informal.
The cost to us if £8.50/head but we operate a pay-what-you-wish model so that it’s affordable for all.
Our guest speaker is Richard, Bishop of Hereford.

Churchyard Champions
Our Churchyard Champions meet on the first Saturday of each month from March to October. They carry out gardening, maintenance and eco activities to ensure the churchyard continues to be a pleasant place to visit, is functional as an open churchyard but continues its eco credentials. The team work throughout the winter planning, applying for funding and developing ideas for the future. You can read about the churchyard here.
Tools are provided but if you have your own, please do bring them. We meet at 10am. Quality refreshments are provided!

Men's Breakfast
Men’s Breakfast meets on the second Saturday of the month at The Yew Tree, Colwall Green.
It’s an opportunity for men to get together over a cooked breakfast and hear from a wide variety of guest speakers. Previous speakers have included an artisan leatherworker, former magistrate, retired police bodyguard and a youth project leader. The breakfast is relaxed and informal.
The cost to us if £8.50/head but we operate a pay-what-you-wish model so that it’s affordable for all.

Churchyard Champions
Our Churchyard Champions meet on the first Saturday of each month from March to October. They carry out gardening, maintenance and eco activities to ensure the churchyard continues to be a pleasant place to visit, is functional as an open churchyard but continues its eco credentials. The team work throughout the winter planning, applying for funding and developing ideas for the future. You can read about the churchyard here.
Tools are provided but if you have your own, please do bring them. We meet at 10am. Quality refreshments are provided!

Men's Breakfast
Men’s Breakfast meets on the second Saturday of the month at The Yew Tree, Colwall Green.
It’s an opportunity for men to get together over a cooked breakfast and hear from a wide variety of guest speakers. Previous speakers have included an artisan leatherworker, former magistrate, retired police bodyguard and a youth project leader. The breakfast is relaxed and informal.
The cost to us if £8.50/head but we operate a pay-what-you-wish model so that it’s affordable for all.

Churchyard Champions
Our Churchyard Champions meet on the first Saturday of each month from March to October. They carry out gardening, maintenance and eco activities to ensure the churchyard continues to be a pleasant place to visit, is functional as an open churchyard but continues its eco credentials. The team work throughout the winter planning, applying for funding and developing ideas for the future. You can read about the churchyard here.
Tools are provided but if you have your own, please do bring them. We meet at 10am. Quality refreshments are provided!

Men's Breakfast
Men’s Breakfast meets on the second Saturday of the month at The Yew Tree, Colwall Green.
It’s an opportunity for men to get together over a cooked breakfast and hear from a wide variety of guest speakers. Previous speakers have included an artisan leatherworker, former magistrate, retired police bodyguard and a youth project leader. The breakfast is relaxed and informal.
The cost to us if £8.50/head but we operate a pay-what-you-wish model so that it’s affordable for all.

Churchyard Champions
Our Churchyard Champions meet on the first Saturday of each month from March to October. They carry out gardening, maintenance and eco activities to ensure the churchyard continues to be a pleasant place to visit, is functional as an open churchyard but continues its eco credentials. The team work throughout the winter planning, applying for funding and developing ideas for the future. You can read about the churchyard here.
Tools are provided but if you have your own, please do bring them. We meet at 10am. Quality refreshments are provided!

Men's Breakfast
Men’s Breakfast meets on the second Saturday of the month at The Yew Tree, Colwall Green.
It’s an opportunity for men to get together over a cooked breakfast and hear from a wide variety of guest speakers. Previous speakers have included an artisan leatherworker, former magistrate, retired police bodyguard and a youth project leader. The breakfast is relaxed and informal.
The cost to us if £8.50/head but we operate a pay-what-you-wish model so that it’s affordable for all.

Churchyard Champions
Our Churchyard Champions meet on the first Saturday of each month from March to October. They carry out gardening, maintenance and eco activities to ensure the churchyard continues to be a pleasant place to visit, is functional as an open churchyard but continues its eco credentials. The team work throughout the winter planning, applying for funding and developing ideas for the future. You can read about the churchyard here.
Tools are provided but if you have your own, please do bring them. We meet at 10am. Quality refreshments are provided!

Mothers' Union - AGM
The Annual General Meeting of Mothers’ Union, Colwall Branch including the election of officers.
A celebration of Holy Communion will take place before the AGM.
St Crispin’s Chapel, 2.00pm - 4.00pm. Refreshments included.

Pancake Morning
The village pancake morning is back! Lots of freshly made pancakes with a variety of toppings will be available! The pancake morning is a really sociable event with people attending from across the village. Raising funds for St James’s Church.
Colwall Village Hall

Mothers' Union - Julian of Norwich
Gill Pennington, former Spirituality tutor at Woodbrooke Quaker Centre, Birmingham will share her passion for English mystic Julian of Norwich - and the womanhood of God.
Meet at St Crispin’s Chapel at 2.15pm - 3.30pm. Refreshments included.

Mothers' Union - Street Pastors
Stuart Hands will share his experience of volunteering as a Street Pastor in Hereford. His role involves meeting people where they are, being available to provide support during the night-time economy.
Meet at St Crispin’s Chapel, Colwall Village Hall 2.15pm - 3.30pm. Refreshments included.

Christmas Family Service
A traditional family service of festive carols, readings and prayers to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Location: All Saints’, Coddington

Christmas Holy Communion
We celebrate the birth of Jesus through the gift of Holy Communion he gave to us. We share the bread and wine, hear the story of his birth and reflect on what it means for us today. All with some wonderful joyful carols!
Refreshments provided.
Location: St James the Great

Christingle celebrations are named after the Christingles that are lit during the ceremony. Christingles are oranges wrapped in red tape, decorated with dried fruit or sweets, with a candle on the top. This is always a popular service to please arrive early and park sensibly!
St James the Great, Colwall 4.00pm

Colwall CofE School Christmas Service
The annual Christmas service for pupils, parents and staff from Colwall CofE Primary School.
Please arrive in plenty of time and be aware that the car park gets very busy.

Ale House Festivities
The cosy Ale House comes alive for our relaxed evening of religious and secular festive music, sketches and readings. Admission £6 including mulled wine and mince pies. This is always a popular event.

The Elms School Carol Service
The annual Carol service for pupils from The Elms School, their parents and staff.
Please note that the car park can get very busy so please arrive in plenty of time and park sensibly.
Location: St James the Great.

Men's Breakfast
Men’s Breakfast meets on the second Saturday every month. We enjoy a breakfast cooked by Anna, Ivan and the team at The Yew Tree Inn and hear from a wide range of guest speakers.
Guest speaker: Dr. Jonathan Pearce, former GP Colwall and current Orchard proprietor.
The Yew Tree Inn, 8.30am. RSVP to colwallcurate@outlook.com

Christmas Coffee Morning
A wonderful way to start feeling Christmassy! Join us in the Village Hall for mince pies, mulled wine and festive activities.

Admiral's Cafe
Our monthly pop-up cafe for people with dementia and their carers. Each month we enjoy different entertainment or activities, alongside hot drinks, savoury and sweet snacks. Free to attend.
Colwall Village Hall, first Thursday every month 11.00am - 12.30pm

Christmas Craft Fair
An opportunity to meet local crafters, see and buy their produce in time for Christmas. From clothing to photography, food to ceramics. Warming soup lunches and refreshments available. Find us in St James’s Church and the Ale House.

Carlo Fierens plays Paganini
Carlo Fierens stands in a special place among today's classical guitarists. His concert activity brought him to prestigious venues across the globe, from Rio de Janeiro to Chicago, from Hong-Kong to Los Angeles, From Buenos Aires to Tokyo. His deeply engaging performances could charm wide audiences and bring them closer to the magical atmosphere of the six string instrument. In his hands, the guitar becomes a vehicle of passions through a broad variety of styles.
In this tribute to the music of violin virtuoso Niccolò Paganini (1782- 1840), Fierens will demonstrated his skill on the classical guitar.

Admiral's Cafe
Admiral’s Café Colwall provides a café-style meeting place for those living with dementia (both those with a diagnosis and their carers). The café also welcomes those who are living alone either through bereavement or because their partner is in residential care.

Songs of Earth and Sky
Serenata is an octet of local, semi-professional singers who have been entertaining audiences in the Malvern Hills area for over 15 years. Known for presenting music from many genres to suit a wide variety of tastes, programmes combine musical challenge with a relaxed feel, and always include some Beatles. You will leave smiling!

Men's Breakfast
An opportunity for men to get together for a cooked breakfast, hot drinks and conversation

Auction of Promises
6.45 p.m. on Saturday 7th September 2024 (Complimentary Cheese and Wine Reception FROM 6.45pM ; AUCTION COMMENCES at 7.30 p.m.)

Admiral's Cafe
Admiral’s Café Colwall provides a café-style meeting place for those living with dementia (both those with a diagnosis and their carers). The café also welcomes those who are living alone either through bereavement or because their partner is in residential care.

Arts & Crafts Festival
The Arts & Crafts Festival returns to St James's Church on 17th and 18th August. There will be a wide range of products available - from handmade leather handbags to chocolate, oil paintings to knitwear.

Men's Breakfast
An opportunity for men to get together for a cooked breakfast, hot drinks and conversation

Mothers' Union Colwall
In August we’re visiting St James’s Church, West Malvern where we will be shown around the church and provided with refreshments. Timings TBC
The Mothers’ Union is open to all (male and female, mothers or not!) and in Colwall we are delighted to have a very active branch. We meet in the Ale House starting at 2.15pm. Refreshments provided.

Colwall Churchyard Work Party
Colwall Churchyard is managed and maintained by volunteers from the church and local community.
St James Patronal Festival
Our Eucharist service at 10am will be followed by lunch in Colwall Village Hall.

Mothers' Union Colwall
It’s our “bring and share” lunch! Come and join us at the earlier time of 12pm. For information please contact Sue Humphrey on 01684 540870
The Mothers’ Union is open to all (male and female, mothers or not!) and in Colwall we are delighted to have a very active branch. We meet in the Ale House starting at 2.15pm. Refreshments provided.

Men's Breakfast
An opportunity for men to get together for a cooked breakfast, hot drinks and conversation

Evening with David Lowe
Join TV composer David Lowe as he gives insight into how he writes for different genres.