Churchyard Wildlife

Churchyard Wildlife

Over 300 species have been identified in surveys done since 2019: 120 plants, 150+ invertebrates (bees, butterflies, ladybirds, dragonflies, shield bugs and beetles), as well as birds, amphibians, and reptiles. 

In the early half of summer, the white Ox-eye Daisies carpet the churchyard. 

The wildflowers attract a range of butterflies and other insects. Meadow Brown and the smaller but brighter Gatekeeper are common. 

Black Knapweed is also popular – here with a Painted Lady butterfly; it also attracts Comma and Small Tortoiseshell. 

Amongst all the grass, the small pale grass moths abound, and the Common Blue butterfly adds lovely colour. 

Mainly in the shorter grass along the path edges, Birds-foot Trefoil gives a show of yellow flowers with red tinges as they mature. This is also popular with the Common Blue and with day flying moths like the Six-spot Burnet shown here. 

Selected areas have been seeded with Yellow Rattle. This parasitises grass roots, reducing the strength of the vigorous grasses, leaving more room for the weaker wildflowers to flourish.  

In the well-mown areas Cuckoo Flower is found in spring.  It is a favourite with the early Orange-tip butterfly, which lays its eggs singly on the stems. The caterpillars feed and camouflage themselves as branches on the plant. 

In the hedgerows, Small Tortoiseshells enjoy the bramble flowers, as do many other insects. 

In the bell tower and nave Roof bats roost before hunting over the churchyard and five or more pairs of Swifts nest here too. From middle or late May the Swifts will be heard and seen dashing over the churchyard screeching to each other as they hunt for insects.  

Nest boxes have been put up round the churchyard. So far, two have been used by Blue Tits.  

Mammals leave their signatures behind – mole hills, badger and rabbit diggings, wood mouse droppings. However, the slow-worm (a legless lizard) keeps a very low profile.  

We welcome volunteers interested in helping manage and maintain the churchyard. Please contact the Parish Office for information.  


Orange butterfly on white daisies with greenery
Field of purple and white wildflowers and grass
St James the Great Colwall churchyard with headstones overgrown with grass and daisies