Churchyard Management

This management plan was agree in consultation with the village community and facilitated by Caring for God’s Acre in 2021. It is a collaboration between the church, the Colwall Orchard Group, and members of the local community.
There are two frequently mown areas in the churchyard:
Directly around the church (blue on the map) to accommodate events, wedding parties and funeral groups
At the far end of the churchyard (red on the map) where many of the new graves are located
The rest (green on the map) is cared for as a wildflower meadow.
In the autumn we sow wildflowers from our own seed bank and also with seed collected from other Colwall wildflower meadows. Yellow Rattle has been sown in 3 small areas to increase biodiversity by reducing the strength of the vigorous grasses and giving other wildflowers a chance to flourish. We have also sown Bird’s Foot Trefoil, Red Clover, Black Knapweed and Devil’s Bit Scabious among others.
The hedges are cut in autumn when nesting has finished and fruit has been used by the wildlife. The hedge between the car park and churchyard has been restored and laid; others will be re-laid in future, where practical.
Five nest boxes have been put up and two were used in their first season.
Our team of volunteers is supported by the Community Payback Team whose members come under the supervision of the Herefordshire Probation Service. We are hugely grateful for all their hard work and commitment.
We undertake annual surveys accompanied by wildlife experts to assess the biodiversity and identify changes over time.
We also offer guided visits around the churchyard to visitors.
Mid green: this is our “Spring Meadow: full of daffodils. It is cut from July onwards
Blue: this area is used for events and gatherings by the Church & Ale House and also contains listed grave monuments and the Memorial Garden for Burial of Ashes . Grass here is cut regularly every 2-3 weeks
Light Green: Wldflowers abound in this “Summer Meadow”. The grass is cut up to mid-April and then left to flower until late July. Mown from then onwards.
Red: area with many recent graves. Grass kept as short as possible and mown every 1-2 weeks in season.