We are the Church of England in Colwall and Coddington. We believe that God welcomes and loves all people, and that all people are created in the image of God.
Each of us is unique with gifts and talents that are blessings from God and all are welcome irrespective of ethnicity, gender, sexual identity and orientation, disability, and economic power.
We come together for worship and mutual support and are here for all members of the community.
Church News
A wing, a prayer and a weasel
The church’s Management Plan sets out to promote greater biodiversity while respecting the needs of a burial ground. We were delighted that a weasel had found a home in the churchyard as it’s evidence that the Plan is working.
Colwall’s War Memorial
War memorials were normally paid for by public subscription, but in Colwall the subscription was augmented by the proceeds of the sale of sheet music for the popular patriotic hymn ‘The Supreme Sacrifice’, also known as ‘O Valiant Hearts’.
Graves Ancient and Modern: the Celtic Cross
The 19th century saw growing interest in Ancient British and Celtic history. Known as the Celtic Revival, its influence spread across literature, art and design, including memorials